As international and national ecumenical cooperation organizations with a broad representation of faith-based organizations, we add our voices to the multitude of calls from the international community, an urgent call for the Colombian state and government to stop the spiral violence that is seriously affecting the civilian population.

We insist on:  

•          A robust rejection of the disproportionate use of force exercised by some members of the public forces; and the need to reform this institution in the interest of ensuring the state’s and public forces’ role as guarantors of constitutional rights.

•          Ensuring the creation of safe and transparent dialogue and negotiation spaces with diverse sectors of society, giving priority to territorial voices, and ideally with the presence of observers who can provide an element of impartiality.

•          The urgent need to stop stigmatizations and accusations against peaceful protestors, in particular the Indigenous Minga and youth.

•          The State obligation, and in particular that of control bodies, to investigate and prosecute the material and intellectual authors who are responsible for actions that have resulted in injured, disappeared, and murdered citizens during the current demonstrations.  

•          A comprehensive implementation of the obligations acquired in the Final Peace Agreement. 

In solidarity, supporting this statement:

Foro ACT Colombia and FESUR – Foro Ecuménico ACT Suramericano

FORO ACT Argentina


FEACT Brasil, Fórum Ecumênico ACT Brasil

WACC América Latina

Ecumenical Communication Agency from Latin American and the Caribbean– ALC Noticias